
“Kus kaks või kolm on koos minu nimel, seal olen mina nende keskel.”

Jeesus (Matteuse 18:20)

Usurahva kogunemine: Jeesuse nimel kutsutud osadusse

Ülistus ja palveosadus: Oodates Püha Vaimu juhtimist ja puudutust

Piiblipõhine õpetus: Toidetud Jumala Sõnas

Leivamurdmine: Jeesuse varustus jüngrite usuks ja teenimistööks

[Maybe a related blog post]

  • Identity centered around worship of the living God in our words and actions, our private devotion and our public action.
  • We understand that as adopted sons and daughters of God we have received God’s mercy which covers our many faults in the same way a good parent protects and raises their children, absorbing their misbehaviors and mistakes out of genuine love.
  • As sons and daughters of God we also understand that our life’s purpose has changed. We are a congregation of priests who seek to make every place in our physical world into a temple where God is worshiped and made known


Video or picture of Taago welcoming at the door

Video of worship

Picture of leivamurdmine

Picture from kids corner (link to lastetöö)